Precision Systems, Inc. does not collect personally identifiable information from visitors to its website without their consent. We use Google Analytics to understand how users interact with our site in an attempt to provide more informative content and improve user information. Google analytics utilizes anonymous cookies to do this. We do not resell or otherwise distribute this information to any third party.  If you wish to not have these cookies used, Google offers a “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” which is effective for this purpose on our site and others which use Google Analytics.

In the event that you should choose to provide your email address or other personally identifiable information through our website, we will keep it in confidence. We do not resell or otherwise distribute this information to any third party. We will use this information only to stay in touch with you, and you may choose to end this communication at any time.

As a professional engineering firm, a loyal service provider, and a citizen of the business community and the internet, we respect the rights and privacy of all who come to our website.


We appreciate that you have chosen to visit our site and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at